What should I be looking at to figure out why the ...
# spicedb
What should I be looking at to figure out why the latency of some of my SpiceDB calls are high? Example attached where a ReadRelationships took > 400ms, but the trace isn't particularly helpful (or maybe I'm not reading it correctly)
you can see there are events in that span, and you'd be able to figure out where time is being spent. I'd bet it's connection pool contention
hmm. i increased the max number of concurrent connections from 20 to 40, waiting to see if that has a significant impact
connection pool sizes are definitely a source of contention. This is not so much of a problem with something like Spanner because it exposes its API via HTTP2, which allows multiplexing database connections
please note that the connection pool should be adjusted to what the database can tolerate. Those connections are not free.
yeah ive been keeping an eye on postgres to see if this has an impact on its resources