Hey folks. In `spicedb-operator`, how do I specify...
# spicedb
Hey folks. In
, how do I specify the client cert that must be used to connect to my postgres datastore? I've added the cert as a TLS secret in Kubernetes, set the
to the name of the secret in the CRD, and set
as a parameter in the
but when I apply the CRD, I get errors like
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unable to create migration driver for postgres: failed to connect to `host=a.b.c.d user=*** database=***`: server error (FATAL: connection requires a valid client certificate (SQLSTATE 28000))
from the operator's migration job and
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2023-03-17 16:41:12.855 UTC [73658]: [1-1] db=***,user=*** FATAL:  connection requires a valid client certificate
from postgres. So it seems like there is no cert being presented. Am I missing something? It works fine if I disable SSL on the db and set
in the
@ecordell ☝️
Alternatively, if there was a way in the CRD to specify a side car container for the SpiceDB cluster, I could probably just use GCP's Cloud SQL Auth proxy and talk to the DB through that via an insecure localhost connection to the proxy.
Here's the full sanitized CRD if that helps:
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apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    kubernetes.io/metadata.name: spicedb
  name: spicedb
apiVersion: authzed.com/v1alpha1
kind: SpiceDBCluster
  name: test
  namespace: spicedb
    channel: stable
    logLevel: debug
    datastoreEngine: postgres
    datastoreTLSSecretName: spicedb-datastore-tls
    replicas: 1
  secretName: test-spicedb-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: test-spicedb-config
  namespace: spicedb
  datastore_uri: "postgresql://[username]:[password]@[a.b.c.d]:5432/[dbname]?sslmode=require"
  preshared_key: "[redacted]"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: spicedb-datastore-tls
  namespace: spicedb
type: kubernetes.io/tls
  tls.crt: [redacted]
  tls.key: [redacted]
The solution is that the
must specify the path to the cert and key. With some digging around, I figured out where the datastoreTLSSecretName is mounted. The following URI succeeds:
datastore_uri: "postgresql://[username]:[password]@[a.b.c.d]:5432/[dbname]?sslmode=require&sslcert=/spicedb-db-tls/tls.crt&sslkey=/spicedb-db-tls/tls.key"
Are these volume mount points guaranteed never to change?
@_schadenfreude_ glad you found what you needed! the mount paths are stable, though there might be alternative ways to do it in the future (i.e. you can bypass the default path with
if you want right now). I filed https://github.com/authzed/spicedb-operator/issues/170 so we don't forget to clarify this
> if there was a way in the CRD to specify a side car container for the SpiceDB cluster, I could probably just use GCP's Cloud SQL Auth proxy and talk to the DB through that via an insecure localhost connection to the proxy. In theory this is possible with the new
field (see https://github.com/authzed/spicedb-operator/releases/tag/v1.2.0 for docs), but I don't think we've seen anyone do that in the wild. If you end up figuring out how to connect through an auth proxy sidecar, we'd love to hear about it (and get it preserved in docs so others can use it)