wanted to quickly call out potential error/confusi...
# spicedb
wanted to quickly call out potential error/confusion in ACL filtering blog post https://authzed.com/blog/acl-filtering-in-authzed/ Action should be
, I think view is the permission, and reader/owner are relations. It's also not accurate to say
Jill is the owner of somedocument, so she is also a reader
, because she does not have reader relation, only owner relation, would be more accurate to say
Jill is the owner of somedocument, so she is has view permission
am I wrong here? Could just be that the image is wrong, because later down the post it says
As we saw above, this answer to this Check is computed by walking the graph from somedocument, through reader, through owner and finally reaching Jill, proving that she has access to read the document.
So sounds like the image was intending to represent that