Is there a way to call experimental APIs
# spicedb
Is there a way to call experimental APIs in a python client? The only way I found at the moment is to subclass a new ExperimentalClient with ExperimentalServiceStub. Maybe it could be added to python client lib?
While doing
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class ExperimentalClient(
    SchemaServiceStub, PermissionsServiceStub, ExperimentalServiceStub
works, it feels like they could just be added to normal client interface.
Hi Jure. Does it really work for you? Where do you import ExperimentalServiceStub from? Is it
from authzed.api.v1.experimental_service_pb2_grpc import ExperimentalServiceStub
ExperimentalServiceStub works for me as well, but WatchServiceStub fails with
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status = StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED
        details = "unknown service authzed.api.v1.WatchService"
while it is registered in the same way as ExperimentalServiceStub
Copy code
from authzed.api.v1.experimental_service_pb2_grpc import ExperimentalServiceStub
from authzed.api.v1.permission_service_pb2_grpc import PermissionsServiceStub
from authzed.api.v1.schema_service_pb2_grpc import SchemaServiceStub
class ExperimentalClient(
    SchemaServiceStub, PermissionsServiceStub, ExperimentalServiceStub
    def __init__(self, target, credentials, options=None, compression=None):
            channelfn = grpc.aio.secure_channel
        except RuntimeError:
            channelfn = grpc.secure_channel

        channel = channelfn(target, credentials, options, compression)
        SchemaServiceStub.__init__(self, channel)
        PermissionsServiceStub.__init__(self, channel)
        ExperimentalServiceStub.__init__(self, channel)
I haven't tested WatchServiceStub at the moment
Hey! It seems like there is a bit of manual plumbing that didn't take place in the python client in order to have the experimental service exposed. We'll look into it, thanks for bringing it up!
I've created a PR so it doesn't get lost and that people can subscribe to it.
Thank you! PR should be ready at
@jure0888 0.13.0 should be out, addressing 2 of the issues you opened
Thank you! 🙂