Multi region deployments
# spicedb
How does multi-region deployments work with SpiceDB. Is each region a separate cluster (caching data within that region) or is the cache shared across regions?
You can technically cluster SpiceDB instances across regions, but the network latency would make dispatch impractical
But usually Multi-Region deployments are a cluster per region, and they won't share the cache
They may or may not share the same underlying database, depending on your needs. If you needs a globally consistent world view, you need a database that supports strong consistency in a multi region environment, like Spanner or CockroachDB
Are the tables that SpiceDB creates in CockroachDB Global tables or are they regional tables. Is there a way to switch the tables to be Global tables if we want low read latency and can tolerate higher write latency specially the read to write ratio is pretty high?
SpiceDB does not have configuration for those parameters exposed, but you can (and should) go into the DB and run the required statements
Don't recall from the top of my head which option is the default in CRDB