is there a way to look up subjects for a
# spicedb
is there a way to look up subjects for a particular resource, and also get back details on how the subject has access to a particular resource (e.g. whether it's via a relationship or inherited permission)? I have a schema where documents live under folders, and any viewer of a folder can view all of the documents in the folder. documents can individually also have viewers/editor relationships to users. If user A is a viewer of a folder, then it has permission to view a document X under said folder. If i lookup subjects for document X, I get back user A as expected. But is the response able to reveal whether user A has permission because of a relationship with document X vs. inherited permission from its folder?
Basically, what API call(s) would be best suited for displaying what Google Drive shows in the Share modal, with a list of users and whether each user has viewer or editor access. Do I need to make separate API calls to check for subjects with view access, then edit access, and de-duplicate manually (since editors also have view access)? Thanks!
it doesn't auto-recurse, but neither does the share dialog
so i would need to make multiple expand calls, one for each permission I want to check?
yes, but only if you want the full recursion
most of the time, you don't want to display that to the end user
Ah ok, i think i see. If the "view" permission is the most "liberal" permission (i.e. anyone who has any other permission inherits view permission), then i really only need to make one expand call for view permission, and i'll see all the subjects and their relations which allow them to have that permission
unless the user has access via a nested group
in which case it will just show that group
which is what the Share dialog in Google Docs does
like an "organization" which users can be a part of?
it wouldn't expand the organization, it would just show that this organization has access