we've been discussing this issue here in
# spicedb
we've been discussing this issue here in the channel quite a bit, but I'm not yet convinced that it is as simple as filtering through a relation... there have been quite a few examples given where the user's access path is direct but the filter is something else entirely (like an organization)
oh right! I guess our use case is simpler, it's exactly similar to the one mentioned in the issue, where a subject has relation to 1+ resource of the same type, but we want to filter with the current organization (we use organization as a relation to resources). but, if I understand correctly, you have seen use cases where the resource and subject has direct relations, but the filter is on a completely different resource?
it was discussed here a few days ago
found it, thanks for the hint. well, we still would be happy to help if you have a design in mind
unfortunately, I don't
that's why I was probing on the various questions