Quick question around the SpiceDB
# spicedb
Quick question around the SpiceDB Operator: is there a way to get new versions of SpiceDB when using the operator without having to update the operator itself? I tried using channel
and version
earlier on with the latest operator (
) but it was giving me a
no update found in channel
error and I had to go back to
you can pin directly to the spicedb image, but the operator will miss the update graph. Are you using postgres? because there is a phased migration in 1.30 you should be aware of
sorry, this is CockroachDB, not Postgres, my bad
Using Postgres pinning the image, but pinning to
didn't work
did you use
seems unlikely since it directly pulls from the container registry
The operator (currently!) only has a
channel, which means we don't put new releases in it right away you can set
to an image if you want to override it to point to the newest release, but you'll miss out on phased migrations if there are any
the plan is to add another channel that updates as soon as new releases are available to fix this
> is there a way to get new versions of SpiceDB when using the operator without having to update the operator itself? the graph metadata is mounted in as a configmap and can technically be updated out of band; but we don't currently ship the graph data separately
We pin versions with in the channel, so I'd love to have a channel that always had all releases in it. We've had to use the
workaround a few times, but then we lose the best feature of the operator.
Is there a versioning issue then if releasing
doesn’t mean it’s considered stable yet? Should it be tagged as
or something? It also seems inconsistent with the fact that the
CLI tool immediately started giving me warnings at every command that I’m not using the latest server.
Right now we consider stable versions 1 version behind the latest release. We consider it stable when it has passed our internal QA.
zed will always by default warn you when not using the latest version of the server. Is that something you find not useful?
It’d be useful if there was easily the option to update to the latest server via the Operator, but because right now that’s not the case then it’s mostly noise IMO. I still find it confusing that releases are being tagged that aren’t officially being considered “stable” and that haven’t passed QA. Surely those would be release candidates and you would only tag the actual release once it has passed QA and is deemed stable?
As mentioned earlier, we tag them when they pass our own internal QA. There is room for improvement there for sure, we don't catch all types of issues. For that reason we consider the latest version not necessarily the most stable.
First - we 100% plan to add a channel that gets updated with every spicedb release, we just need to find the time to build the automation for it. So that is coming, and you'll be able to just subscribe to that and that should fix the immediate concern. Also totally agree that
is a misleading name. We also use an update graph to deliver spicedb-enterprise to the SpiceDB Dedicated clusters that we run, and we opted to call those
to better reflect the distinction. It's really that the
channel receives releases less frequently, which limits the number of times your infrastructure can change (less frequent changes = more error budget for SREs). It's really not about the "quality" at all, we have extensive automated tests and we run release candidates in production environments before we tag a SpiceDB release. I think likely when we add the
channel to the spicedb-operator, we'll add an alias to the
channel to rename it
so that it's less confusing
Thanks for the explanation. And to clarify something that was mentioned earlier in the thread, is the update graph is bundled within the operator and therefore if I want to have access to the latest SpiceDB version within my channel I'd have to update the operator? Or does the operator fetch new update graphs as they come out and I therefore can update SpiceDB without having to update the operator every time?
you need to update the operator