Hi guys! I'm using the python client for SpiceDB, ...
# spicedb
Hi guys! I'm using the python client for SpiceDB, and am trying to check if a user has one of two types of relations with resource. Currently, I'm doing this by using a relationship filter, like in the image attached. However, this requires me to make two API calls to the server, one for each relation I want to check. Is there a way to use OR for the relation here? The most basic form of what I'm thinking would be:
Copy code
relationship_filter = RelationshipFilter(
            optional_relation=or_operator([relation_1, relation_2]),
Any ideas? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/844600078948630559/1229889652056527011/image.png?ex=663152ff&is=661eddff&hm=39bd94fd29f2dc1e43e42fd5ebf658d9460c5d7c3bbfd88efd212a0e1613ab09&