I was able to do about 50k relationships in a sing...
# spicedb
I was able to do about 50k relationships in a single
zed import
. It after that, the gRPC request gets too large and
would fail with
Copy code
Error: rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = grpc: received message larger than max (6989893 vs. 4194304)
To get around this, I ended up using one of the gRPC clients the Authzed folks have and I parsed and batched the relationships myself. I think the
client could easily be modified to batch very large imports by adding some batching logic here: https://github.com/authzed/zed/blob/e9bfd18aee346632fdbd08ecdb6a38f3a41c6098/cmd/zed/import.go#L144-L150