I've tried to upgrade to v1.10.0, but my SpiceDB s...
# spicedb
I've tried to upgrade to v1.10.0, but my SpiceDB server doesn't seem to get healthy 🥲 SpiceDB starts:
Copy code
{"level":"warn","prefix":"grpc","time":"2022-08-03T08:58:35Z","message":"grpc server serving plaintext"}
{"level":"warn","addr":":8443","prefix":"http","time":"2022-08-03T08:58:35Z","message":"http server serving plaintext"}
{"level":"warn","addr":":9090","prefix":"metrics","time":"2022-08-03T08:58:35Z","message":"http server serving plaintext"}
{"level":"warn","addr":":8080","prefix":"dashboard","time":"2022-08-03T08:58:35Z","message":"http server serving plaintext"}
But the health probe fails:
Copy code
/ # /opt/grpc_health_probe -v -addr=localhost:50051
parsed options:
> addr=localhost:50051 conn_timeout=1s rpc_timeout=1s
> tls=false
> spiffe=false
establishing connection
connection established (took 904.622µs)
service unhealthy (responded with "NOT_SERVING")
I'm not getting any log (with LOG_LEVEL=warn) telling me anything's wrong, how can I investigate further?