I am trying to add gradle dependency, 'com.authzed...
# spicedb
I am trying to add gradle dependency, 'com.authzed.api:authzed:0.2.0' , Java example does not compile with it
Which dependency management tool are you using and what are the errors you're seeing?
I am using gradle
It's not compiling , getting compilation error at io.grpc.Channel
Do you have any sample client project with Gradle ? That can be very handy to refer for me.
Somehow, I am able to resolve the compilation errors now
Glad it got resolved. What did you end up changing?
I'll see if I can find the sample project for the demo app and add that to the repo
Thanks, I end up making following changes
implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.47.0' implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.47.0' implementation ("com.authzed.api:authzed:0.2.0"){ exclude group: 'io.grpc', module: 'grpc-netty-shaded' } implementation 'io.grpc:grpc-netty:1.47.0'
then finally got all working
One question, I am getting lookup response as below
INFO: Check result: looked_up_at { token: "GgQKAjE1" } resource_object_id: "projectreport1" looked_up_at { token: "GgQKAjE1" } resource_object_id: "topsecret1"
in case multiple response, How can I club all resource_object_id in one collection ?
I got that also fixed 🙂
thanks for being here