Hey, I'm looking at SpiceDB and inherited permissi...
# spicedb
Hey, I'm looking at SpiceDB and inherited permissions and I can't figure out how to, or if it's even possible, to "inherit backwards", for example - if
org:a is parent of org:b
, and
user:2 is (direct) member of org:b
, can I somehow make the assertion that
user:2 is member of org:a
work? - if
user:1 is admin of org:a
, and
user:2 is member of org:a
, can I somehow make the assertion that
user:1 is editor of user:2
? I get the reverse of this working fairly easily, like if
org:a is parent of org:b
user:1 is admin of org:a
user:1 is admin of org:b
Here's what I've been trying so far: https://play.authzed.com/s/0HQuSR3fu4dY/schema