how many `relation_tuple_transaction` rows do you ...
# spicedb
how many
rows do you have?
Are you using a tool to orchestrate migrations in other solutions?
We use Knex or TypeORM. It works just the same as Alembic, doesn't change anything. Most of our migrations are small and without locks, so we just write a migration and merge it. Migrations have to be backward-compatible: migrations are run before new code is deployed (SpiceDB does the opposite I think, recommendation was to run migrations in a post-upgrade hook). If the migration is going to be heavy (taking a lock or being very resource-intensive) but is still a DDL-only changes, our process is: - Write the migration. It has to be idempotent (eg using
). - Run the SQL statements manually, out of office hours, to minimise impact. - Merge the migration. It's idempotent, shouldn't actually do anything, it's there for local/test environments. - Note: it's very rare that we do need to take a big lock, Postgres usually has ways to avoid that If the migration requires big DML that are going to be heavy (lock or resource-intensive): - First, do any required DDL change in a separate migration. Has to be backward-compatible. Get that deployed. - Write a job to do the DML changes. To update all rows of a big table for example, we'll probably chunk to avoid keeping locks for a long time - We might want to make an idempotent migration for the DML change. We might also want to clean up the schema with another DDL migration. Depends on the use-case
So overall: we do need a long-running job to migrate data slowly
Spicedb is 100% migration first
And they are backward compatible with 1 version of code
What do you use for your chunk size?
And do you sleep between chunks, have a feedback signal, both, or neither?
> What do you use for your chunk size? Depends how write-heavy the table is, usually a few thousands rows, maybe 10k to 50k. > And do you sleep between chunks, have a feedback signal, both, or neither? For us it's a one-off job that's going to be started and monitored by the engineer who wrote it, so it's fairly low-tech. Most often we don't sleep, sometimes we add some sleeping if we realise it's too heavy, and if we want to be fancy we make the sleep duration a parameter of the job