We are using spicedb v1.9.0 - this version works f...
# spicedb
We are using spicedb v1.9.0 - this version works fine. When we call probe
kubectl exec svc/spicedb -ti -- grpc_health_probe -v -addr=localhost:50051
It returns
Copy code
> addr=localhost:50051 conn_timeout=1s rpc_timeout=1s
> tls=false
> spiffe=false
establishing connection
connection established (took 2.104947ms)
time elapsed: connect=2.104947ms rpc=2.228704ms
status: SERVING
But when we switch to version v1.10.0 and higher, the probe tells us that it does not serve, but it is not true. The spicedb works fine.
Copy code
> addr=localhost:50051 conn_timeout=1s rpc_timeout=1s
> tls=false
> alts=false
> spiffe=false
establishing connection
connection established (took 1.46186ms)
service unhealthy (responded with "NOT_SERVING")
command terminated with exit code 4
Do we need to make special configuration adjustments when upgrading to version 10 or higher?