Hello, Are caveat supported via com.authzed.api 0....
# spicedb
Hello, Are caveat supported via com.authzed.api 0.3.0 ? I do find caveat under https://buf.build/authzed/api/file/main:authzed/api/v1/permission_service.proto#L239 but when I try to load the said jar via maven repo (0.3.0) , I dont see the context reference ? Any view ? and if not supported , any view by when it will be available ? Under 0.3.0 I see below proto being referred to for permission and seems it does not have the caveat
Copy code
message CheckPermissionRequest {
  Consistency consistency = 1;

  // resource is the resource on which to check the permission or relation.
  ObjectReference resource = 2 [ (validate.rules).message.required = true ];

  // permission is the name of the permission (or relation) on which to execute
  // the check.
  string permission = 3 [ (validate.rules).string = {
    pattern : "^([a-z][a-z0-9_]{1,62}[a-z0-9])?$",
    max_bytes : 64,
  } ];

  // subject is the subject that will be checked for the permission or relation.
  SubjectReference subject = 4 [ (validate.rules).message.required = true ];