Using just intersections and exclusions I can get ...
# spicedb
Using just intersections and exclusions I can get to the following
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definition user {}

definition folder {
    relation all: user:*
    relation reader: user

    permission not_read = all - reader

definition document {
    relation all: user:*
    relation parent: folder

    permission read = all - parent->not_reader
This would give me what I want (if a document can have at most one parent). But it still feels a bit off
Hey - yea - maybe like this?
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definition user {}

definition folder {
  relation viewer: user | user:*
  permission view: viewer

definition document {
  relation parent: folder
  relation owner: user

  permission read = owner | folder->view
Yeah, that is a possibility too. But this would mean removing all owners once it is added to a folder
I don't think you would have to remove an owner unless I'm missing something? If a document was added to folder now anyone will be able to read and you can keep the owner (who will also be able to view)
Hi @LarsRan ! Were you able to get what you needed using preconditions?
Yes and no, preconditions indeed solved the problem of mutual exclusivity but did not fit nicely right now in our current design. Now I used the zed definition at the top of this thread and that seems to work
Regarding the zedfragment you sent. I think I might not have made the usecase entirely clear. I want all users to have view rights on a document when it is not in a folder, when it is in a folder I want only the users with folder view rights to have document view rights
Thanks for helping me out anyway!
Ah - ok! Thanks for clarifying.