I'm using the ReadRelatonships grpc https://github...
# spicedb
I'm using the ReadRelatonships grpc https://github.com/authzed/authzed-go/blob/main/proto/authzed/api/v1/permission_service_grpc.pb.go#L27 I'm using a loop that calls Recv() on the permissionsServiceReadRelationshipsClient until I get an EOF or other error, but my loop in looping forever returning the same relation and a NIl error
Copy code
readClient, err := spiceClient.ReadRelationships(c, &myrequest)
if err != nil {
   // handle err
} else {
  for resp, err := readClient.Recv(); err != io.EOF; {
    if err != nil {
        // handle non-eof err
    // handle response