"spicedb, rebuild the cache now, with these last ...
# spicedb
> "spicedb, rebuild the cache now, with these last changes" this is essentially what the ZedToken encodes
Hummm, so if I perform a check after a write passing the zedtoken, I will have a fresh cache, and for the next checks, I won't need to pass a zedtoken? I didn't find "quantization window" in the documentation, do you have a link?
if you want it to reflect that write, you still need to pass a zedtoken
we don't recommend people changing the quantization window/period without a good reason
its an implementation detail and can change over time
the point is: if you need fully consistent checks, you need to either request that all time (using that consistency level) or pass a zedtoken
otherwise, if you do not care about some staleness nor the New Enemy Problem, you can just always make a
call without a zedtoken
I should say if you want to guarantee it reflects that write
For me, wouldn't be a problem if I need to wait for 5s (for example), to the write operation be propagated and I be able to get the right result in a check permission.
if you don't care if it takes a few seconds, then no need
then you have no need to keep zedtokens
but it does open you up to the New Enemy Problem
so you need to be aware of that
yeah .. I know ...
so long as you are aware, then yeah, its perfectly fine
plenty of users don't particularly care
So, to confirm, if I don't use a token, will I get a consistent check result after ~5s? The token is only to solve the consistency between these few seconds.
yes, so long as you don't change the defaults
Thank you @Joey !
of course