Hi, I'm currently checking out SpiceDB, especially...
# spicedb
Hi, I'm currently checking out SpiceDB, especially for the caveats feature. I have tried the caveat example on both SpiceDB Serverless and the Open Source version, but I'm always getting the error "caveats are currently not supported". Do I need some specific version of SpiceDB (Dedicated/Enterprise/...) to make this work? Or do I need to enable something on my installation first?
It's not yet supported in Serverless, but you can already play with it in the playground (play.authzed.com). In dedicated you can have it enabled for sure. You can also try it out if you run SpiceDB yourself and turn on the flag. We are going to be GAing caveats in the coming weeks, so it will be available via Serverless 🔜
wow thanks for the swift reply! I will start exploring the possibilities in the playground 👍
yeah, you can run assertions in the playground, which runs a SpiceDB embedded in the server that has caveats enabled. Once you've gotten a handle on it, you can start to look into ways to running it in a deployment. Your options are: - wait for serverless GA - get a dedicated cluster quote - run SpiceDB with caveats enabled yourself
Hi. I'm also looking for caveat support in open-source version. Sounds like Dedicated is a private docker image by Authzed, doesn't it? Is there list of features supported in opens sourced
Caveats is available in the Open Source version. Our pricing page shows the comparison between the three.
thanks. and what is flag name for enabling caveats? don't see it in docs.
Yeah sorry about that - we just changed the docs because we are about to GA caveats, so we removed the flag. The new release should be dropping this week, but if you don't want to wait, you can see the flag in the output of
spicedb serve
Copy code
--experiment-enable-caveats                                if true, experimental support for caveats is enabled; note that these are not fully implemented and may break
if you pick up
(which will be the 1.17 release) caveats will be enabled by default