support read-replicas in PostgreSQL · Is...
# spicedb
I am considering a Postgres major version upgrade (14->15). Given SpiceDB's use of txid being incompatible with things like pg_dump/pg_restore (, do you know if that's going to be a problem? Should I instead use
to dump relationships and load them into a new empty database?
We've recently added to our test suite integration tests with the various supported postgres versions: 13.8, 14, 15, 16 We've also run live RDS migrations to 15 and haven't observed problems related to txID. We've also recently introduced the
spicedb repair
command to address specifically the
problem, this will be released in the next version 1.28.0. See I don't think there is any need to do dumps and restores, and in the worst case scenario if revisions are not being found, consider using the nightly docker container with
> We've also run live RDS migrations to 15 and haven't observed problems related to txID. Nice, that sounds like exactly what I want to do! To be super clear, we're talking about upgrading an existing RDS (Aurora in my case) to PG15? > We've also recently introduced the spicedb repair command to address specifically the pg_dump/pg_restore problem Amazing!
>Nice, that sounds like exactly what I want to do! To be super clear, we're talking about upgrading an existing RDS (Aurora in my case) to PG15? This was a non-aurora RDS instance
Do I need PG15? I remember seeing something on github about it, but I can't find it in release notes
IIRC, something about improving the garbage collection
It's not strictly needed, but there will be perf degradation if you use < PG15, because query planner shenanigans
basically the new index added won't be selected unless you move to PG15
OK - sounds fairly major
it depends, we've seen this in basically backfilling scenarios
I'd rather spend one day doing an upgrade than being worried about these scenarios perpetually 😄
anecdotally, we also upgraded to v15 on RDS without problems